Sheet music? Find it in your local music store!
Here you will find (sheet)music stores near you with expert advice and first-class service.
    Sheet music shop This retailer is renowned for the quality of its range of music supplies and its advice. Musical supplies are the main focus of this shop. It has qualified staff and an attractive and wide range of products.
    Specialised music store with sheet music department These retailers provide sheet music (e.g. music shops with a sheet music department or record- or book stores) and are also able to order sheet music. is an initiative of the Deutscher Musikverleger-Verband e.V. (German Music Publishers Association) in cooperation with the Gesamtverband Deutscher Musikfachgeschäfte e.V. (German Music Retailers Association) and the IDNV, the official information system for music publishers and the music trade.
    Deutscher Musikverleger-Verband e.V. (German Music Publishers Association)
    The DMV represents the interests of music publishers from all over Germany. With around 320 members, it represents over 90% of German music publishers. As the second oldest association in Germany - after the Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels (German Publishers and Booksellers Association) - it represents the interests of German music publishers, from large companies to the smallest choir publishers.
    This includes promoting active music making and strengthening its importance in society. This happens specifically, for example, by honouring special achievements with the German Music Prize "Best Edition", with the prize for the Best Concert Programme of the Season, the German Music Edition Prize and through the DMV's commitment to appropriate musical platforms. Furthermore, the DMV promotes musical education and the training and further education of young professionals and is involved in the field of copyright and the protection of intellectual property.
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    Gesamtverband Deutscher Musikfachgeschäfte e.V.
    The GDM (Gesamtverband deutscher Musikfachgeschäfte e.V.) is the association of music shops from all over Germany. The GDM supports its members in matters of superior interest, such as the promotion of education and training for young professionals. In its history, the GDM has always been closely interwoven with the DMV (Deutscher Musikverleger Verband e.V.).
    Today, the association has about 400 members. For the individual product areas of the music trade, there are specialist associations that deal with the specific problems of the trade. The sheet music trade association advises and supports its members in all specific questions of the sheet music trade.
    Experts with many years of successful experience in the trade are involved in the association. Therefore, shops represented in the GDM are an optimal choice for purchasing. You can expect the highest professional competence, trained staff and a sensible assortment put together with expertise.
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    International database for printed music and musical products (IDNV)
    The IDNV is the official database of the sheet music sector. The IDNV is supported by the music publishers, the music trade and both associations (GDM and DMV) in its conception and operation. As an industry project, the IDNV is initially intended primarily for commercial and public users, i.e. for publishers, trade (business to business - B2B) and for music libraries. For them, the IDNV simplifies important daily tasks, optimises communication and saves time. The existence of the IDNV also has a positive effect for musicians, choir singers, orchestras, music schools - in other words, for all music professionals, amateurs and music lovers. Thus, shops that work with the IDNV have an optimal instrument for advising and informing their customers. Through the IDNV, every affiliated dealer receives the latest catalogues, prices and information directly from the participating publishers, updated daily and in high editorial quality. Through the electronic ordering system of the IDNV, the retailer is efficiently connected with the publishers and the deliveries, i.e. the procurement of material is also carried out optimally and as quickly as possible for you as a customer.
    Trading companies that work with the IDNV are therefore a very good contact point for the purchase of sheet music.
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    AODP - buy publisher quality digital sheet music easily and legally

    You can also rely on the expert advice of music retailers when buying digital sheet music.

    This is made possible by AODP, an innovative Internet protocol that gives authorized retailers access to publishers' digital warehouses. As a customer, you can choose from the publishers' range of digital sheet music editions in stores with AODP connections and buy them directly from the retailer. AODP ensures that you receive an authorized original product - just as with paper sheet music.

    Buying digital editions via AODP is completely uncomplicated. The retailer only needs to be authorized for AODP purchase. If you are a customer standing in the store or calling your retailer, they can immediately fulfill your order with the IDNV, which has a AODP connection. And if the retailer maintains a web store with AODP connectivity, you can order digital editions online just like printed editions.

    After the purchase, whether in the retail store or in the web store, you will receive a download link from the retailer that you can use to retrieve the purchased file - directly from the vendor's server, i.e. in publisher quality. Another option, which some retailers offer as an optional service, is the printing of a professional copy directly on site. In this case, you will therefore receive a high-quality printout as quickly as possible.

    No matter what you choose: The specialized retailer is your partner - for both printed and digital sheet music editions.

    About AODP:
    AODP (Automated Ordering and Delivery Protocol) is a standard technical solution for organizing sales via the Internet in a decentralized way, based on existing, efficiently working market structures. With AODP, suppliers and retailers can more easily enter the digital business, continue existing areas of expertise, and expand to include new business initiated with digital products.
    This gives them the opportunity to participate in and shape the development of the digital market through innovative technology. End customers benefit from an innovative offering that can be purchased through a large number of authorized retailers.

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