You can also rely on the expert advice of music retailers when buying digital sheet music.
This is made possible by AODP, an innovative Internet protocol that gives authorized retailers access to publishers' digital warehouses. As a customer, you can choose from the publishers' range of digital sheet music editions in stores with AODP connections and buy them directly from the retailer. AODP ensures that you receive an authorized original product - just as with paper sheet music.
Buying digital editions via AODP is completely uncomplicated. The retailer only needs to be authorized for AODP purchase. If you are a customer standing in the store or calling your retailer, they can immediately fulfill your order with the IDNV, which has a AODP connection. And if the retailer maintains a web store with AODP connectivity, you can order digital editions online just like printed editions.
After the purchase, whether in the retail store or in the web store, you will receive a download link from the retailer that you can use to retrieve the purchased file - directly from the vendor's server, i.e. in publisher quality. Another option, which some retailers offer as an optional service, is the printing of a professional copy directly on site. In this case, you will therefore receive a high-quality printout as quickly as possible.
No matter what you choose: The specialized retailer is your partner - for both printed and digital sheet music editions.
About AODP:
AODP (Automated Ordering and Delivery Protocol) is a standard technical solution for organizing sales via the Internet
in a decentralized way, based on existing, efficiently working market structures. With AODP, suppliers and retailers can
more easily enter the digital business, continue existing areas of expertise, and expand to include new business initiated
with digital products.
This gives them the opportunity to participate in and shape the development of the digital market through innovative
technology. End customers benefit from an innovative offering that can be purchased through a large number of authorized retailers.